Section 615(6)
International Retirement Benefit Scheme
Section 615(6) Benefit Scheme previously allowed United Kingdom
Limited Companies to establish bona fide retirement benefit packages
for employees who had duties outside the United Kingdom. This
Pension Scheme satisfies the criteria considered by HMRC Pension
Scheme Services to meet the requirements of section 615(6) of
Income & Corporation Taxes Act 1988 ("ICTA88").

Each scheme is governed by a Deed and Rules acceptable to
HMRC, ensuring that the benefits will not be subject to challenge.
This grants full pension scheme status to a section 615 Benefit
Scheme, which is recognised internationally as a genuine pension
as an Expense
Because of its accepted status, contributions to a section
615 Benefit Scheme were allowable against Corporation Tax in the
United Kingdom and expected to be deductible as an expense incurred
in pursuit of trade in most other countries.
Range of Investments
The section 615 Benefit Scheme affords a wide range of underlying
investments, policies of assurance, direct equity holdings, fixed
interest securities, collective investment schemes, money funds,
property and cash deposits.